济源市万洋冶炼(集团)有限公司关于禁止强迫劳动的政策声明 | |
日期:2023-6-16 8:16:12 作者:于艳玲 来源: |
济源市万洋冶炼(集团)有限公司 Jiyuan Wanyang Smeltery Group Co., Ltd. 关于禁止强迫劳动的政策声明 Statement on the Policy for Prohibition of Forced Labor
我公司严格遵守国家各项法律法规,严格执行以《劳动法》为核心的法律体系来保障本企业员工的合法权益,反对任何形式的强迫劳动。按照LBMA白银矿产供应链的管理要求,应禁止采购有强迫劳动行为在内的所有矿产,确保供应链符合OECD指南的要求。 In addition to complying with various national laws and regulations, our company strictly implements a legal system centered on theLabor Lawto protect the legitimate rights and interests of our employees as well as opposes any form of forced labor. According to the management requirements of the LBMA mineral supply chain of silver, the procurement of all minerals, including forced labor practices, should be prohibited to ensure that the supply chain meets the requirements of OECD guidance. 我公司已按照LBMA 《负责任的白银指南》要求,公司以及各供应商已遵守注册地及经营所在国家/地区的所有适用的关于劳动者保护的法律法规、行业要求、国际劳工组织和联合国公约及其他法规,且所供含银物料均为合法取得且不涉及强迫劳动,特别承诺不涉及以下情况: According to the requirements ofLBMA Responsible Silver Guidance,our company and all suppliers strictly comply with the laws and regulations, industrial requirements of the country/area where registered office or business operated in, conventions and regulations of International Labour Organization and United Nations. All silver containing materials supplied to our company are legally obtained without forced labor involved. We promise specially that we wouldn’t get involved in the following circumstances: 1、強迫性劳动:在惩罚的威胁下所榨取的非志愿性的工作或服务。 1. Forced labor: involuntary work or services under the threat of punishment. 2、暴力:是指用人单位直接以身体強制的手段強迫劳动者为用人单位服务。 2. Violence: refers to the direct use of physical coercion by employers to force workers to serve their employers. 3、威胁:是指用人单位以將要实行暴力或反对劳动者的其它损害为強迫劳动的手段。 3. Threat: refers to the means by which an employer uses violence or other harm against workers as a means of forced labor. 4、非法限制人身自由:是指采用拘留、禁闭或其它強制方法非法剥夺或限制他人按照自己的意志支配自己的身体活动的自由的行为。 4. Illegal restriction of personal freedom: refers to the act of illegally depriving or restricting the freedom of others to control their physical activities according to their own will through detention, confinement, or other coercive methods. 5、严格遵守各国家相关法律法规,以及国际劳工组织与联合国公约其它相关强制规定. 5. Strictly abide by relevant national laws and regulations, as well as other relevant mandatory provisions of the International Labor Organization and the United Nations conventions 我公司对各供应商开展了现场调研并形成相关问卷。最终,以客户承诺和现场调研问卷综合判定我公司供应商不存在强迫用工的行为。 On-site researches have been conducted on our suppliers with relevant questionnaires formed. Finally, it is determined that our suppliers have no forced labor practices based on customer commitments and on-site survey questionnaires.
济源市万洋冶炼(集团)有限公司 Jiyuan Wanyang Smeltery Group Co., Ltd. 2023年6月14日 JUNE 14, 2023 |
上一篇:济源市万洋冶炼(集团)有限公司 2022年度精炼厂合规报告 下一篇:济源市万洋冶炼(集团)有限公司 2023年危险废物污染防治责任信息公开 |